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5 Strategies to Make Your Fintech Content More Engaging

When it comes to fintech, there’s a lot of information out there. And a lot of it is dry. Statistics, numbers, and graphs are all well and good, but they don’t always hold people’s attention. If you want your readers to stick around, you need to make your content more engaging.

1. Understand your audience before your initiate your fintech marketing strategy

As marketing advice, your should know your audience “know your audience”.

Your audience is people who are interested in finance and technology. You need to make your content more interesting to them so that they will stick around and learn more. Your audience will look for the following :

  • Your value proposition
  • Your values
  • If you are creating valuable content
  • If the solution is available on mobile devices
  • Rating show how you offer an amazing customer service
  • If they can connect to the existing banking app

Studies show that 95% of millennials now use fintech, and 9 in 10 Americans use some type of fintech app. Apple is going to be the most prominent player in fintech in the next 3 years.

Many millennials are in the early stages of figuring out their finances. They may not be familiar with all the terminology, so it’s important to write in a more informal tone. Use language that is easy to understand and avoid using too much jargon.

Visuals are a great way to break up the text and keep people engaged. Include graphs, charts, and images to help illustrate your points.

2. Share customer stories

Share a customer story that illustrates how your fintech product has helped or benefited them.

When I was first starting out in my career, I didn’t have a lot of money saved up. I was really struggling to make ends meet and I didn’t know how I was going to get by. But then my friend told me about this new app she had been using that was designed to help people like me. The app was called ‘XXX’ and it allowed users to create budgets and track their spending. With XXXX, I was able to see where all my money was going and figure out where I could cut back. I wasn’t making a lot of money, but with XXXX, I was able to make it work. Now, I’m able to save for the future and feel more confident about my finances.

Your positioning can be built by influencer marketing, anecdotes, reviews, or straight-up recommendations, capturing website traffic with minimum SEO efforts, ppc ads, publishing Facebook post… Make sure that you generate relevant content that new users will read for faster fintech adoption.

To generate digital word of mouth, the brand added user comments to its online content, providing insight into both its customer base and its product. This gave potential customers a real-life look at how the product worked and what people thought of it. It also helped to create a sense of community among users, which can encourage people to stick around and keep using the product.

You can also build a digital marketing expansion with a budget on ad campaigns. .

Some possible KPIs to measure the success of your fintech marketing campaigns targeting individual goals could include:

-The number of website visitors who clicked on an ad campaign

-The number of leads generated from ad campaigns

-The percentage of website visitors who became customers after clicking on an ad campaign

-The average amount spent by customers who were referred by an ad campaign

Ad campaigns are a great way to reach a wider audience and promote your product. They can help to generate interest in your product and encourage people to try it out.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you have a clear goal for your campaign. What do you want to achieve? Next, determine your target audience. Who are you trying to reach? Once you know who you’re targeting, create some ads that will appeal to them. Finally, make sure your website is ready to convert traffic into customers. Have a strong call to action and make it easy for people to purchase your product.

If you follow these tips, you can create a successful ad campaign that will help promote your fintech product.

Ad campaigns are great for financial institutions, but it could be too pricy for starting fintech products.

While ad campaigns are a great way to reach a wider audience and promote your product, they can be too expensive for fintech startups just starting out. Fintech products need to find other ways to generate awareness and interest, such as user stories, visuals, and content that is easy to understand. Fintech sector is paying a lot on google search results to be on top when users look for financial products.

Therefore we suggest use user-generated content. User-generated content (UGC) is a great way to promote your product and build trust with potential customers. UGC can be anything from customer reviews to testimonials, social media posts, or even pictures or videos of people using your product. PLus you can push it on numerous social media platforms and you don’t. need specific marketing tools to quickly attract new customers.

3. Leverage audio and video content

In an age when 62% of U.S. consumers have listened to a podcast and US adults average 2:41 hours a day watching videos online or on their smartphone! Financial companies understand that video and audio content are extremely popular and are very effective in engaging customers.

According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of respondents said they preferred video over any other type of content, and 85% said they would like to see more video from brands in the future.

So if you’re not already using audio and video content to promote your product, now is the time to start. There are a number of ways you can use this type of content to your advantage. You can create tutorial videos or webinars to show potential customers how to use your product. You can also create customer testimonials or case studies that show how your product has helped others.

In an age when more and more people are turning to the internet for information, it’s no surprise that video is one of the most popular content formats. And when it comes to financial products, video can be a great way to introduce potential customers to your product and explain how it works.

Video can help simplify complex topics and make them easier to understand. It can also help build trust with potential customers by giving them a real-life look at how your product works and what people think of it. Plus, videos are engaging and entertaining, which can encourage people to stick around and learn more about your product.

If you’re not already using video to promote your fintech product, now is the time to start. There are a number of ways you can use this type of content to your advantage. You can create tutorial videos or webinars that show potential customers how to use your product. You can also create customer testimonials or case studies that show how your product has helped others.

Traditional financial series understand also know the importance of podcasting your marketing messages should be more aggressive and of course compatible with mobile users!

black Fujifilm X-T3 camera

4. Showcase your team fintech industry’s best customer journey

One of the reasons brands have a “Meet the Team” page on their website is because they want to show potential customers that they have a team of experts who can help them. And when it comes to fintech products, this is especially important.

People want to know that they’re dealing with a company that knows what they’re doing, and they’re more likely to trust a company that has qualified experts on its team. So if you want to build trust with potential customers, showcase your team of experts on your website.

Your team page doesn’t need to be long, but it should include information about each member of your teams, such as their title, years of experience, and areas of expertise. You can also include photos and bios for each team member.

If you want to build trust with potential customers, showcase your team of experts on your website.”Fintech brand teams should highlight their knowledge and experience on their website to inspire confidence in potential customers”

5. Include your business in the fintech industry ecosystem

Marketing efforts are easier when it’s a third party talking about your right ? You should become an industry expert and a familiar name to be reckoned with. Fintech companies are disrupting the financial sector as we know it, and that’s why it’s so important to get your brand out there.

Business growth will follow if you are resilient in building a friendly fintech marketing approach with your ecosystem. Fintech apps, in general, should focus on a few core areas such as payments, lending, and savings & investment to be viable in the long term. However, it is not uncommon for fintechs to branch out into other areas as well. Here are some ideas you can try to improve your marketing strategy :

  • hire fintech marketing consultants
  • connect with fintech influencers on social media
  • build a 1+1 = 3 strategy with third-party fintech apps
  • A/B test your ideal target audience with email marketing
  • create your own meetup to generate your own fintech marketing space
  • connect with so-called micro-influencers
  • encourage users to promote their products to their networks
  • ensure that the branding strategy is consistent throughout the multiple marketing campaigns you run
  • contribute to marketing tactics of universities and official regulation institutions
  • capitalize on word-of-mouth customer acquisition
  • use partnership marketing techniques
  • connect with existing customers and engage them to share your organic marketing content on their favorite social media
  • create valuable content that attracts and engages potential customers
  • differentiate yourself from traditional financial institutions
  • create awareness and your act of company culture and customer-centric approach
two women sitting on chair

The bottom line Fintech companies should produce continuous marketing efforts

This is where you come in. As a fintech company, it’s your job to educate your audience about the importance of your product, and why they should be using it. You can do this through blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, and even social media. Fintech marketing techniques are similar to other industries. As a fintech company, it’s your job to educate your audience about the importance of your product or organic marketing, and why they should be using it. You can do this through blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, and even social media. Fintech marketing techniques are similar to other industries.

Make sure you focus on educating your audience about the benefits of using your product, and how it can help them save time and money. When you can show people that your product is valuable and relevant to their lives, they’ll be more likely to trust you and buy from you.

If you want to build trust with potential customers, showcase your team of experts on your website. Your team page doesn’t need to be long, but it should include information about each member of your team, such as their title, years of experience, and areas of expertise. You can also include photos and bios for each team member. If you want to build trust with potential customers, make sure you focus on educating them about the benefits of using your product. Financial content doesn’t have to be boring or monotonous. It can be engaging, relevant, and meaningful to your customers.